Fully fitted Takeaway/Restaurant Unit with Counter Area, Rear Kitchen, Prep Room and additional Stores.
The Premises are situated on the main A259 coast road through Eastbourne in the mixed commercial / residential area of Seaside. This Property is mid-terraced and is close to the Sainsburys Local Store and many other local independent traders.
The commencing Rental to be £12,500 per annum exclusive of rates and all other outgoings relating to the Property.
Business Rates
Accordingto the Valuation Office website the premises are described as:
Shopand premises
Currentrateable value (1 April 2023 to present) £7,800
100%small business rates relief available subject to the status of the tenant.
VAT Details
The Property may be elected for VAT
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal fees.
A new full repairing and insuring lease to be granted for a term to be negotiated, having periodic Rent Reviews.