The Premises comprise a self-contained concrete frame unit with brick elevations under a corrugated pitched roof with 3 Phase Electricity, Roller Shutter and Personnel Door, Lighting, On Site Parking and WC.
The Unit is located on the well established Station Road Industrial Estate which is on the southern side of Station Road. The Estate is approximately ½ mile south of Hailsham Town Centre with easy access to the A22, the main London to Eastbourne road close by. The Estate is within 2 miles of the A22/ A27 junction leading to Newhaven port and Brighton to the West and Bexhill and Hastings (A259) to the east.
Rent £12,360 per annum
Business Rates
Currently being reassessed but 100% Small Business Rates Relief likely
VAT Details
VAT will be charged on the Rental
Each side to be responsible for their own legal fees with regard to the preparation of the Lease
Available on a new full repairing and insuring lease on terms to be agreed
The Unit is insured by the Landlords and charged to the Tenant with a current Annual Insurance Premium of £426.39.